Monday, June 20, 2011

I Think Therefore I Rant

100. We all get to live for eternity; some eternities are just shorter than others.

101. Religion is not about giving meaning to life; if you need to search for meaning you've got too much time on your hands.

102. The question “Why?” has spawned both Religion and Science: one to maintain it has the answer and the other to keep finding more questions.

103. Comfort breeds stupidity; stupidity just breeds.

104. The dodo became extinct because of the introduction of pigs to its habitat. There’s a lesson in there for human beings.

105. Never send a boy to do a man’s work unless you’re embroiled in a war.

106. Shakespeare got it wrong when he wrote, “Kill all the lawyers.” Who’s going to defend you when you kill all the bankers and CEOs?

107. It’s hard to write a rant about grammar because no one really cares that much and they’ve heard it all before from Mrs. Simmons in Grade 5.

108. Old people don’t really experience flatulence more than young people; they just have a sense of senior gastrointestinal entitlement.

109. When people rummage through their wash and find an unmatched sock they haven’t lost one – they’ve found one and just haven’t found its mate - yet.

110. Grammar checkers don’t keep people from finding out how dumb you are - they just allow you to dig the hole a little deeper.
